Tourneys management

The tourney is clearly the primary element of the whole system, everything has been designed to allow an easy and fast management of these events.

The tourneys window by default does not show future tournaments: to see them, reset the filter applied to the date field.

Insert and edit

Date and description

Each tourney has a date and a description of the event and there cannot be two dictinct tourneys in the same date associated to a single championship.


A tournament belongs to a particular championship. The lookup lets you choose one among the currently active (i.e. not closed) championships and at least one the following holds:

  1. you are the owner (thus possibly created by you)

  2. are linked to the clubs owned by you or or that you have been associated with

Hosted by

It may happen that a tournament is hosted by a club other than the one that organizes the championship: in these cases you can select the host club, which will appear on some printouts.


The location is optional and is purely descriptive.

Social site

The optional URL of the channel dedicated to the tournament, usually in the context of solitaire tourneys championships, where every player records a video of his games and eventually uploads it on the channel.

Duration and prealarm

The duration and prealarm refer to the length of a single round, and are expressed in minutes. They will be used by the countdown window.

When duration is set to 0 (zero), then no countdown will be shown.


A tourney may use a particular rating: in such a case, the first round is generated accordingly with the rate of each player instead of using a random order.

It may be set it also on the championship, so that it will be automatically initialized when you create a new associated tournament.


The system selects the type of the tournament:


each competitor meets the very same number of opponents, selected by the system from those at the same strength level, on average


also known as single-elimination tournament, a competitor keeps playing until she lose a match, at which point he drops out


each competitor meets every other opponents: if there are 16 competitors, there will be 15 rounds for a total of 120 matches


For the Knockout tournaments consider the following points:

  • although SoL currently does not enforce any constraint in the number of competitors, to work correctly that must be a power of two, that is 4, 8, 16, 32, 64...

  • while they may use a particular rating, the rating will not be updated back with the event's matches


The pairing method determines how the pairing are done at each new round:

All possible matches

the all algorithm generates all possible combinations, without a particular ordering; this is meant to be used in very particular cases:

  • in the context of solitaire tourneys championships, when you desire to generate all the rounds at once, not one at a time as usual

  • given that, unlike all the others algorithms, this may generate incomplete rounds with fewer matches than usual, it may be used as a fallback method in corner cases when other methods refuse to generate remaining matches: this may happen for example when you add new competitors to an already going tournament (yes, SoL allows that)

Ranking order

the serial algorithm will try to pair a competitor with one of the competitors that follow him in the current ranking order, for example the first with the second, the third with the fourth, and so on;

Cross ranking order

to delay as much as possible most exciting matches, the dazed method is more elaborated: it considers the groups of competitors with the same points, and tries to pair the first with the one in the middle of the group, the second with the middle plus one, and so on;


After the first round, when the number of competitors with same points is odd and there are further competitors the algorithm adjusts the group to make it even by promoting the first competitor of the succeeding group (and thus with less points) as belonging to the former group.


With less than eight competitors the serial and dazed algorithms cannot guarantee the generation of all possible matches. Should this happen, SoL will suggests to switch to the all method to generate remaining matches.

In general, with such a low number of competitors, I recommend using the all method from the beginning, or even better the Round-robin system.

Staggered ranking order

the staggered method is equivalent to the previous when the number of competitors with the same points does not exceed 50, beyond which instead of pairing the first with the one in the middle of the serie a maximum offset of 25 is used regardless of the number: so you will get the first with the twenty-sixth, the second with the twenty-seventh and so on;

Standard seeding [KO and RR]

the seeds method is the most commonly used in knockout tourneys and in round-robin: it does not use the current ranking, but only the positions of the competitors or their rate, usually determined by previous tournaments; SoL will raise an error when the tourney is not associated to a rating nor the position of all the competitors is specified; the first turn is generated pairing the first competitor against the last, the second against the second-last and so on;

Circle [RR]

the circle method is a slightly different variant commonly used in round-robin tournaments.

Delay top players pairing

The delay top players pairing, meaningful only when the tourney is associated with a rating, determines how many rounds will use an higher priority for the Glicko rate of each competitor over the net score in the ordering used by the pairing method.


SoL uses five parameters to rank the competitors:

  1. points

  2. bucholz

  3. net score

  4. total score

  5. Glicko rate

Before playing the first round the first 4 values are all zero, so only the fifth is crucial. At the beginning of the second round, all winners have the same score and the same bucholz, thus the net score become decisive.

From the point of view of rounds generation, for the beauty of the game it is generally desirable to delay as much as possible the matches between top players: to this end it is sufficient to give an higher priority to the Glicko rate, moving it to the third place, after the bucholz and before the net score.

The value assigned to this field controls how many turns shall be generated using this different sorting criteria: the default value of 1 means that it will be used at the end of the first round to generate the second one; a value of 0 instead inhibits this delay and therefore only the first round is determined by the Glicko rate, from the second onward it becomes irrelevant. Values higher than 1 have an impact less and less significant, because from the third round on the points and the bucholz become more and more predominant.

Delay compatriots pairing

The delay compatriots pairing tells for how many rounds the pairing-generator algorithm should try to postpone matches between players with the same points belonging to the same nation.

For example if the field is higher than 0 and the pairing method is not "all possible matches", when according to the current ranking there were 10 players with equal points and the top three are Italian and the remaining of a different nationality, instead of trying to pair the first with second or the first with the third, the system will try to couple the first with the fourth and then with the fifth, considering the second and the third only if necessary.

Phantom score

The phantom score is the score assigned to a player in the matches against the phantom player, when there are an odd number of competitors. By convention these matches assign a score of 25 to the player but there may be cases where a different score is more appropriate, for example when the number of competitors is very low and winning 25—0 would be an unfair advantage.


The user who is responsible of the tourney data, usually the one that inserted that particular record: the information related to the tournament are changeable only by him (and also by the administrator of the system).


The finals is the number of finals that will be played. It can be either left blank or it must be a number between 0 and 2 inclusive: in the former case, finals will be handled manually, that is SoL won't generate final matches but the results shall be reflected by adjusting the bounties. A value of 0 means that there won't be any final, 1 means that SoL will generate one single final match for the first and the second place, with 2 SoL will generate two final matches, one for the first and second place and another for the third and fourth place.

Final kind

The final kind determines the kind of finals that will be played:

Single match

the single kind will create one single round, with a match between the first and the second ranked competitors and, if finals is set to 2, another one pairing the third and the fourth ranked competitors

Best of three games

the bestof3 method will create at most three rounds, the final is won by the competitor that wins at least two of them.

As soon as the final scores of all these rounds are entered the bounty giving operation to assign final bounties is performed automatically.

Drop outs

The drop outs allows you to choose a different mechanism to compute the bucholz value when there are withdrawn competitors. Normally that value is computed summing up the points of the opponents a given contender met, so that it's basically a measure of their strength. When one (or more) of these opponents stop playing, their points value remains constant and thus it does not contribute to the rank of the competitors he played against. In highly competitive tournaments this may be seen as a penalty, so we tried to come up with a mechanism to mitigate the effect. The options are:


the classic behavior, no adjustment at all: the bucholz value is just the sum of the points of the opponents


computes the average points (excluding matches against the phantom) of the withdrawn player and assigns an extra bonus to his opponents, so that their bucholz value is artificially augmented by an amount equals to that average multiplied by the number of turns; in other words, it would appear as if the retired player kept going on at the same pace


similar to the above, but it considers the 70% of the average points


This is an experimental approach, be sure to understand the implications before using it!