
SoL is a web application that allows to manage Carrom events, possibly organized in championships: over of the years it has become quite articulated and flexible, to handle a wide spectrum of situations, from simple courtyard tournaments up to international competitions.



A person who have an account in the system, that manages players, clubs, championships and tournaments.

Most users can create their own clubs, championships and so on, with the notable exception of players.

The administrator may grant two additional permissions to an user:

  1. the right to manage the entities owners

    This allows to change the manager of the entities, even of those not owned by the user itself.

  2. the right to manage the players

    This allows the insertion of new players: without it, one can only subscribe players that already exist in the database to his new tournaments.


A special super powered user, that may change everything in the system.


The particular user that owns an entity (that is, players, clubs, tournaments and so on), usually the one that initially created it. While any user can see almost everything, an entity can be modified only by the user that manages it (or by the administrator).


A person who play Carrom and may participate to tournaments.

They are usually associated to a particular club or federation.


One (in singles events) or more (in doubles or team events) players who are subscribed to play in tournament.

Club or Federation

An association of players, that may organize championships.

Tourney or Tournament

A Carrom event, taking place at a particular location in a given day.

They are linked to a championship and are thus managed by a particular club, although they may be hosted by a different one.


A single “turn” of an event: depending on the number of competitors, a tourney can be composed by several rounds, usually seven.

Each round involves one or more matches between two competitors.


Two competitors playing one against the other, in one or more boards, until one of them accumulate 25 points or the time runs out, whichever comes first.


A set of tourneys, organized by a given club, sharing some common rules in particular the kind of prizes, so that a championship ranking can be computed.

Most often a championship is seasonal, and thus a given club may have many of them, usually one currently active and the others historical. A new tournament may be created only in a active championship.


A way to compute the strength of a player thru a statistical formula, mainly used to determine the couplings of the initial rounds of a tourney. It is automatically recomputed at the end of each event, considering all the disputed matches.

Minimal setup

The very first thing you need is an account on the system, that is registering yourself as a user so that you can log in and operate.

To do that, you either contact the administrator of the system or use the automatic self registration procedure.

As soon you are authorized, these are the required steps to manage your next tournament:

1. Choose or create your new club

First step in setting up a tournament is to open the clubs management window, either from the main popup menu located in the lower left corner of the application, or directly from the My clubs icon in the upper left corner. The latter will list only the clubs that you can managed, usually the ones owned by you.

Here you must select the club which will be running the event.

If your club is not already in the database please create a new club by clicking Add new and filling in the necessary information: you will find two important fields, Pairing and Bounties which will be useful later. Please fill them in: if your club normally runs small local tournaments with less than 15 players it is better to choose Ranking Order and Fixed Bounties, while with more players the other options may be a better fit.

Some setting entered here will be used as default values when creating a new championship.

2. Choose or create a new championship

Once you have chosen your club click Championships in the window's menu, that will open the list of championships managed by that club.

Here you can select the correct championship of which your event is part or create a new championship by clicking Add new.

When you add a new championship several important fields must be filled in:


This is where you choose if you are planning a Singles or Doubles event: 1 player for singles, 2 for doubles.


This field is only necessary if you want to ignore the worst results in a series of tournaments during the year eg. there are 8 events and only the best 6 results will be taken into account for the final ranking.


The rating is only really important for establishing the pairings of the first few rounds, and it is mainly useful for major events. It is based on simple statistics: a person with a higher rating will more probably win a match against a person with a lower rating. It is not based on tournament rankings but only on single matches played.

There are 4 levels of rating which can be associated to a tournament:

Level 1

international events (Eurocup, ICF cup, International Open)

Level 2

national events

Level 3

regional events

Level 4

small local club events

If you associate a rating to your championship, it will be used as the default choice when you will create new related tourneys.


Please choose or create the rating at a level as low as possible/reasonable.


Should you need to create a new rating, please give it a clear name, and possibly associate it to your club, to make it easily recognizable.


What you enter here will be used as default value when creating a new tourney.


This determine which kind of final prizes will be assigned at the end of the tourneys associated with the championship.

3. Create a new tourney

Once you have chosen the right championship click on Tourneys in the window's menu, that will open the list of tourneys associated with that championship.

At this point you are ready to add a new tournament: click Add new and fill in the details, some will be already filled in on the basis of the info provided by you in Club and Championship.


If you put a date in the future the event will disappear from the main list and you have to find it using the date search button.

Choose if there will be a final and what kind, choose the time limit of matches and pre-alarm (for the clock).

Delay top players pairing is useful mainly for events with few players where you don’t want the top two to meet in the first rounds and where you have chosen ranking order as the system for pairing.

Same nation pairing is to avoid people from the same country meeting in the first round or two – useful mainly for international events.

Drop outs is useful - if a player is forced to abandon a tournament his opponents will not lose out on the bucholz (see details).

4. Add participants

When you are done, click on Details that will open the tourney management window, and start choosing the participants from the database: click on Show all players if this is a new event. Use the search option to find players based on name, country etc.

To add new players you must have the manage the players permission or ask your national Manager to add the names prior to the event.

You are now ready to generate the first round and start playing!



Remember to click on Save after every action you take.


You can print score cards with or without names, you can print ID tags and souvenir tags at the end of the event – you can choose to see separate final ranking for juniors, nationality and women.


In each window ? icon in its top right border will take you to the relevant section of the detailed user manual.