Clubs management

A club is the entity that organizes one or more championships of tourneys. It can also have a list of associated players.

A club may also be a national federation, which usually coordinates the clubs of a particular country. Often the international tourneys are hosted by this or that federation in turn and usually it is mandatory for a player to be affiliated with a particular federation before she can participate to an event.

Insert and edit


Each club has a description, that must be unique: there cannot be two distinct clubs with the same description.

Nationality, web site and email

The nationality, the web site URL and the email are optional. The latter may be used to send email messages to the responsible for the club.


The rating is used as the default value when creating new championships of this club: usually, but not always, all championships of a particular club use the same rating; in any case, it's the tourney's setting to be decisive, because it may happens that a particular event, even if it belongs to a given championship, uses a different rating, for example for an open tournament.


A club may be marked as a federation: to be accepted at international events it is often mandatory for a player to be affiliated with a national federation.

Pairing method and bounties

The pairing method and the prize-giving method are used as default values when new championships are added to the club.


The user who is responsible of the club data, usually the one that inserted that particular record: the information related to the club are changeable only by him (and also by the administrator of the system).


The emblem field may contain the name of an image file (either a .png, a .gif, or .jpg) that will printed on the Badges. Although it will be scaled as needed, it's recommended to put there a reasonably sized logo[1].