sol.models.utils -- Utilities

Simple helper functions.

sol.models.utils.asunicode(s: Any) str | None

Force a string to be a unicode instance.


s -- any value

Return type:


If s is not already an unicode string, it is assumed to be a utf-8 bytes string, and thus decoded to unicode and returned. Otherwise s is returned as is:

>>> assert asunicode(None) is None
>>> assert not isinstance(asunicode(b'ascii'), bytes)
sol.models.utils.normalize(s: str | None, title: bool | None = None) str | None

Normalize the case of a string, removing spurious spaces.

  • s -- a string

  • title -- if True always titleize the string, if False never do that, if None (default) only when the input string is all lower case or all upper case

Return type:


>>> assert normalize(None) is None
>>> print(normalize('lele gaifax'))
Lele Gaifax
>>> print(normalize('LELE'))
>>> print(normalize('LeLe', title=False))
sol.models.utils.njoin(elts:[~typing.Any] |[~typing.Any, None, None], stringify:[[~typing.Any], str | None] = <function asunicode>, localized: bool = True) str

Given a sequence of items, concatenate them in a nice way.

  • elts -- a sequence of elements

  • stringify -- the stringification function applied to all elements, by default coerced to unicode

  • localized -- a boolean flag to disable the translation of the final 'and'

Return type:


If elts is empty returns an empty unicode string; if it contains a single element, returns the stringified element; otherwise returns a unicode string composed by all but the last elements stringified and joined by a comma, followed by the localized version of and followed by the last element stringified:

>>> print(njoin([1,2,3]))
1, 2 and 3
>>> print(njoin([1,2]))
1 and 2
>>> print(njoin([1]))
>>> assert njoin([]) == ''
>>> print(njoin([1,2], stringify=lambda x: str(x*10)))
10 and 20

Note that falsey elements are skipped:

>>> print(njoin(['first', None, False, '', 'last']))
first and last

but 0 (zero) isn't considered a falsey value:

>>> print(njoin([1,0,2]))
1, 0 and 2
sol.models.utils.entity_from_primary_key(pkname: str) Base

Given the name of a primary key, return the mapped entity.


pkname -- the name of a primary key

Return type:

a mapped class

sol.models.utils.table_from_primary_key(pkname: str)

Given the name of a primary key, return the related table.


pkname -- the name of a primary key

Return type:

a SQLAlchemy table