sol.models.rating -- Ratings

class sol.models.rating.Rating(**kwargs)

A particular rating a tournament can be related to.

classmethod check_insert(session: Session, fields: dict[str, Any], user_id: str | int) None

Check new rating validity.

check_update(fields: dict[str, Any], user_id: str | int) None

Check validity of rating's changes.

getPlayerRating(player: Player, before=None)

Return the rate of a player

  • player -- a Player instance

  • before -- a date instance

Return type:

an instance of glicko2.Rating

If before is not specified fetch the latest rate, otherwise the most recent one preceeding before.

The method considers the referenced rating as well as all those with an higher level.

isPhantom(competitor: Competitor | None)

Determine whether the given competitor is actually a Phantom.


competitor -- a Competitor instance

This is needed because someone uses a concrete player as Phantom, to customize its name (not everybody have a good sense of humor…)

recompute(mindate=None, scratch=False)

Recompute the whole rating.

  • mindate -- either None or a date

  • scratch -- a boolean, True to recompute from scratch

If mindate is given, recompute the rating ignoring the tourneys before that date.

serialize(serializer: Serializer) SerializedRating

Reduce a single rating to a simple dictionary.


serializer -- a Serializer instance

Return type:



a plain dictionary containing a flatified view of this rating

shouldConsiderTourney(tourney: Tourney)

Determine whether the given tourney should be considered.


tourney -- a Tourney instance

Only singles using the Swiss System should be considered. Also, "online" tournaments are excluded.

update(data, user_id, *, missing_only=False)

Update entity with given data.

  • data -- a mapping kind of container

  • missing_only -- a boolean flag, False by default

  • user_id -- either the string "admin" or the ID of the user performing the operation

Return type:



a mapping between field name and a tuple (oldvalue, newvalue), for each modified field

First call check_update() to assert the validity of incoming data, then update the instance fields.

If missing_only is True then only the fields that are currently empty (that is, their value is either None or an empty string) are updated. Note that in this case an exception is made for bool fields: since in SoL they always have a value (i.e. they are never missing), they are always updated.

championships: Mapped[list[Championship]]

Championships using this rating by default.

club: Mapped[Club | None]

The particular club this rating is restricted to, if any.

default_deviation: Mapped[int]

Default value of deviation (PHI) for the Glicko2 algorithm.

default_rate: Mapped[int]

Default value of rate (MU) for the Glicko2 algorithm.

default_volatility: Mapped[Decimal]

Default value of volatility (SIGMA) for the Glicko2 algorithm.

description: Mapped[str]

Description of the rating.

higher_rate: Mapped[int]

Higher value of the range used to interpolate players rates.

idclub: Mapped[int | None]

Restricted to club's ID.

idowner: Mapped[int | None]

ID of the user that is responsible for this record.

idrating: Mapped[int]

Primary key.

inherit: Mapped[bool]

Whether to lookup rates in higher levels ratings.

level: Mapped[str]

Rating level.

lower_rate: Mapped[int]

Lower value of the range used to interpolate players rates when (almost) all competitors are unrated.

modified: Mapped[datetime]

Last update timestamp.

outcomes: Mapped[str]

Kind of formula used to compute match outcomes.

This is used to determine which formula will be used to compute the match outcomes to feed Glicko2 algorithm. It may be:


standard Glicko, giving 1.0 to the winner and 0.0 to the loser, 0.5 in case of draw, developed with Chess in mind;


Guido's variant, better suited to Carrom: basically each player is assigned a fraction of his own score divided by the sum of the scores of both players.

owner: Mapped[User]

The owner of this record, admin when None.

property ranking

Players sorted by their latest rate.

Return type:



a sorted list of tuples containing the player, its latest rate, deviation and volatility, and the number of rates in this rating.

rates: Mapped[list[Rate]]

List of rates.

tau: Mapped[Decimal]

Value of TAU for the Glicko2 algorithm.

property time_span

Return the time span of this rating.

tourneys: Mapped[list[Tourney]]

Tourneys using this rating.