Lcmful5y Dnuetpoa

First name Dnuetpoa
Last name Lcmful5y
Associated to Carrom-Club Darmstadt
Federated with German Carrom Federation
Tourneys 6
Matches 22 won (50%), 20 lost (45%) and 2 tied (4%) , 18 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date In team with Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 16th Carrom Eurocup Doubles Carrom EuroCup Double 06-15-2012 Soyfteby Sxmfm72i 6 46 -15 30.00 34
2 16th Carrom Eurocup Singles Carrom EuroCup Single 06-16-2012 12 125 0 640.00 37
3 Odm3-2013 2013 Einzel 09-28-2013 8 52 28 225.00 18
4 OdmD-2013 2013 Doppel 09-29-2013 Soyfteby Sxmfm72i 6 42 9 550.00 8
5 Odm-D-2014 2014 Doppel 09-21-2014 Soyfteby Sxmfm72i 6 26 0 0.00 10
6 Odm-D-2015 2015 Doppel 11-08-2015 Soyfteby Sxmfm72i 7 45 0 670.00 6