Whugjgiy C6efkt3q

First name C6efkt3q
Last name Whugjgiy
Associated to Ceylaniens Carrom Club
Tourneys 3
Matches 9 won (47%), 8 lost (42%) and 2 tied (10%) , 14 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date In team with Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 Doppio Ceylaniens Doppio Ceylaniens 01-25-2009 Wjqgmeja Sdqf5l4y 4 22 -36 370.00 15
2 2°Tappa Campionato CCM 2009-2010 11-21-2009 7 41 50 685.00 10
3 Open Milano ... 12-06-2009 9 69 10 300.00 15